Every backwards compatible game is available to purchase on the Xbox store digitally. I am not sure if Xbox would want to spend the man hours plus service space for a game that has licensing issues. Every time after that the 360 disk triggers the Xbox to run the downloaded emulated game as opposed to running the game from the disk. When you put in a 360 disk in an Xbox One for the first time, the Xbox downloads this new version of the game from the servers and runs that game. The way backwards compatibility works on Xbox One is that a new version of the 360 game is created and stored on Xbox servers that can be emulated on the One. At least that actually could happen one day. People need to realize there is nothing in it for EA or anyone else involved to make this game backwards compatible. We'll get a new NCAA game long before it's ever likely possible of this game being backwards compatible. There's over 9,000 different specific uses of EA using a person's likeness in NCAA 14. Though with Madden 20 having colleges in it, maybe they're on that path right now. EA has to repair their relationship with the NCAA first. While I certainly wouldn't mind playing this on my Ps4 because I know my 360 won't last forever, I don't see it happening. I'm not the NCAA, so I can't assume on their behalf. Though the NCAA probably considers skin color and jersey numbers close enough. Though that's the least of their headaches for making this game backwards compatible because they'd have to reacquire the individual schools as well as the NCAA, right? You'd think it would be easy to just go back to the old NCAA Football days when player resemblance was nowhere near accurate.

Maybe the player base for 14 is so small now that they don't consider it a big deal if they stay up, kind of an under the radar kind of thing.

It also puzzles me why the servers for 14 have lasted this long if selling the game was a problem in the first place. I know EA got sued for player likeness, but were there any specific player images used in NCAA 14? If there are specific models in the game that resemble any real person, they can be swapped out for someone with random facial features.