
Peter drucker summary
Peter drucker summary

I’ll take care of it.” I never heard of it again. He responded, “You are doing what you are supposed to be doing forget about it. However, General Marshall called me and said, “What’s going on?” I told him. Now, I did not work for General Marshall. I said, “No.” They apparently complained to President Roosevelt or General Marshall, the chief of staff, to get rid of me. However, the Dutch army was nonexistent, and I was not going to recommend interrupting war production. The guests and very close friends of President Roosevelt-Princess Beatrix, who became queen of the Netherlands her husband, who was a German prince and three of his brothers, who ran the German army-wanted supplies that fitted Dutch specifications. One of the assignments I received was a relationship with the nonexistent Dutch army. So a general could scream at me, but he could not give me orders. I had one qualification: I was not in uniform. I was in Vermont during World War II, at a small women’s college, but I was also available to the War Department, and I worked for the assistant secretary of war on specific assignments. Let me give you an example of effective leadership. They all have two things in common: they get things done, and you can trust them. Some are communicators, and some praise, and others may never praise. Some are very gregarious, some are very aloof, some are charmers, and others are like a dead mackerel. What matters is “Leadership for what purpose?” Leadership means getting the right things done. You know what to expect, and you see performance and achievement. When you do it, do it your way, what works for you. Read The only definition of a leader is someone with followers. In the first week, about "Developing Leaders, Not Functionaries," Maciariello talks of Drucker's hopes that the American industrial organization would "provide a place where employees could find community, citizenship, meaning, and purpose for their lives." In doing so, he takes us back to the beginning of Drucker's own development, to his books on The End of Economic Man released in 1939, to 1942's The Future of Industrial Man, and his idea of the "self-governing plant community." Each week has an introduction, a reading, points for reflection, and a practicum-prompt that helps you apply what you've read to your own circumstances. The book is laid out in 52 "weeks," or one chapter for each week of the year.

peter drucker summary peter drucker summary

He is, in fact, referring to Peter Drucker, the "father of management." His new book, A Year with Peter Drucker, offers us all a chance to live intimately with the man through his writings and teachings. Maciariello could be talking about any number of giants of recent history: Abraham Lincoln, Mohandas Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela… "His driving force was to provide for the needs of citizens of free societies so they would never be tempted to authoritarian substitutes, which history … had shown to be disastrous."

Peter drucker summary